



Saturday, 24 September 2016


  One obvious mistake many of us make is to just engage in anything popular culture without really finding out what it actually denotes.
Here bow wow , a rapper talks about its origin.
      The rapper/actor took to social media to explain the origin of the currently popular “dab” dance. Connecting the fad to a trendy way to consume marijuana, smoking hash concentrate oil, Bow Wow tried to school the kids on how the face-to-arm motion became popular.

“The world dabbing and they don’t even understand or know what dab is. First of all, dab is a strong way to smoke marijuana, it’s the purest form of marijuana. It’s extremely strong, so the dance comes from when you smoking and you coughing, the first thing you do is [hits dab],” he said.

 As strange as dabbing looks it, ever since it was 'created' it became so popular and you still have so many people doing this dance.The origin of anything does not only reveal what it is all about, everything is minimally traced to its origin...
The term 'dab it' is getting quite popular but does it even look sane? Where did this come from? This rapper tells it all.
   Let us not just SERVE our cravings and do everything some people in the society wants us to.Stand up for what is proper, GOD help us.Check out more revealing posts on my label(life style)

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